About the Blog
This blog is about my experiences as a wife (22 years married to my husband Kyle) and mother of three young men, one of whom is autistic, spanning ages 17-21. It’s a safe space for those seeking someone who “gets it,” who’s lived it, has felt it, and just knows all about it.
You’ll find a lot about being an autism mom, but it’s becoming more than that as I’ve grown into other areas and seasons of life. It’s the place where I share the stories, thoughts, fears, hopes, and joys of living a life broken by sin but redeemed by Hope.
My desire is to encourage others currently in the autism trenches or other storms of life through the telling of just one family’s experiences and the clear hope we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Come and walk with me as we transform from “Post Tenebras, Lux”: After Darkness, LIGHT.

My guys

Just for fun…
About Me
Hey there, I’m Sarah
Still trying to find my place in this world, this blog is my space to work through all the things and hope that my feeble words will find a safe space in an open heart needing to hear a little bit of encouragement. I love to write, and I discovered a love for podcasting since I enjoy having meaningful conversations with others who are traveling their own journey. I’m also a speaker and am available for speaking events or conferences.
I love to sew and quilt as I learned from my mother. I enjoy baking and am always on the hunt for that perfect bread recipe. I’m an extravert to the max but am learning the joys of quiet solitude and refreshment of my soul. You may see some tea themes around here as I absolutely adore a delcious cup of tea, prreferably Earl Grey with milk and sugar. Pour yourself a cup of your fav, enjoy some stories, and relish in the hope that Jesus is making all things new.

Favorite Tea
Earl Grey

Favorite Show
30 years strong

My son's website
Ben Broady Music

Most Recent Project
Christmas Rag Quilt