Tea & Thoughts
The BlogSarah’s Posts
A Special Hope Podcast’s Posts
The Special-Needs Scrim
The sanctuary was dark. The air was thick with grief, tension, and anticipation of what we all knew was coming next. But nothing prepared me for what my eyes were about to behold. I was watching our church’s Easter pageant from the middle of the large auditorium. We...
Remembering the Christmas Diagnosis
Seven years ago today, I took Samuel to the Kansas City Regional Center to meet with a psychologist for autism testing "just to rule it out." Instead, we left with an official diagnosis of moderate/severe classic autism. He was constantly scripting with no meaningful...
How Spilled Milk Leads My Son with Autism to the Cross
We were so close. All that was left was to get his drink before going to bed. Tale as old as time: Brother 1 gets mad at brother 2 and responds inappropriately and unkindly. Mom steps in and deals with each of them, explaining what was wrong, the right that should...
She Just Sees Sam
I was really hopeful after such a great day yesterday. It had been a full Saturday for Sam. He went to a new soccer group (his very first!), got his hair cut, and had an ice cream date with me. It was one thing after another, and that's a lot to process. He had a...
Just for Today
Today, my son still has autism. Every day for the rest of his life, he will have autism. But today, or rather right now, I don’t want to dwell on the difficulties autism brings and will bring when he comes home from school at the end of the day. I don’t want to wish...
On Respite and Guilt
This past week, Samuel spent a few days at my parents' house without his brothers. We dropped him off on Wednesday, came back on Saturday for our monthly family dinner, and took him back home with us Saturday night. On Thursday, my oldest son Ben was invited to Six...
Something to Offer
Why are you here? No, I don't mean for what purpose do you exist. What brought you to reading this post? This blog exists for the primary purpose of encouraging special-needs parents. Special-needs parents walk a very different path from that of others with more...
Praying Through the Storm of Autism
"Mom, the clouds are dark. I think there's going to be a tornado." "No, Sam. There's no tornado." "I think the sky is turning green," he said, his pitch rising, and eyes frantically searching the sky for clues. "I'm afraid there's going to be a tornado!" "Samuel. Look...
When God Provides
“He will not leave you alone.”This is true. We see over and over in Scripture how God provides for every aspect of His creation, from the number of hairs on our head to every sparrow that falls from the sky, to the lilies of the field. Friends, we serve a great and...
The Power of Presence: What Not to Say
You've probably read those articles before. You know, the ones written to instruct you on "What Not to Say to a Special Needs Parent." If you've never read one before, here's a good example of one that even offers alternatives here. But there's one response that I...

John Felageller on Fatherhood, Relationships, and Autism
Episode 2 John Felageller: On Fatherhood, Relationships, and AutismJohn Felageller discusses his journey as a dad with his son's autism, how it affected their marriage, his relationship with his son, their friends, and how deeply it impacted him as a dad. So many...

E1 All About Autism and Hope: An Interview with Samuel Broady
Episode 1 All About Autism & Hope: An Interview with Samuel BroadyA Special Hope kicks off with a very special guest: Samuel Broady. I had the pleasure of interviewing my own son for Episode 1 of this podcast. Sam talks about what it's like having autism, what he...