by Sarah Broady | May 31, 2014 | Autism
“He will not leave you alone.”This is true. We see over and over in Scripture how God provides for every aspect of His creation, from the number of hairs on our head to every sparrow that falls from the sky, to the lilies of the field. Friends, we serve a great and...
by Sarah Broady | May 30, 2014 | Autism, Living Life Daily, Sarah Broady, Scripture
Living with a child with special needs often means also living with expenses that you didn’t plan for when you first began your family. A lot of services may be covered by insurance or through the state’s government program like Medicaid. But not all...
by Sarah Broady | May 24, 2014 | Autism
You’ve probably read those articles before. You know, the ones written to instruct you on “What Not to Say to a Special Needs Parent.” If you’ve never read one before, here’s a good example of one that even offers alternatives here. But...