Run Your Own Race

Run Your Own Race

It all started with his friend, Jon. Sam started 6th grade this year, and the opportunity came up for him to join cross-country (also referenced as XC). Sam and Jon are good friends; they go to church together, and they go to the same school too (though not in the...
Run Your Own Race

More Than I Can Handle

Sometimes, as an attempt to comfort your heart as you are struggling through a new diagnosis, or even years afterward, friends or family might offer consolation by saying something along the lines of, “God chose to give you a child with autism because He knew you were...
Run Your Own Race

Not Strong Enough

Middle school. A place where girls and boys shoot into young adulthood, catapulted by hormones and peer pressure to just fit in. Be able to spin through the locker combination with ease and swag, flinging wide the banging metal door that says, “I have...

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