When the Tornado Touches Down

High-Functioning Guilt

My son Samuel was diagnosed with autism at 28 months old. He was mostly non-verbal, except for when he scripted his favorite movie lines or spelled out letters he saw on signs. He had no meaningful communication and he screamed a lot. He repeatedly banged his head on...
When the Tornado Touches Down

Is It Over Yet?

The stockings have been ripped from their hooks and ravaged for their goodies. The presents have been pillaged and the remains of wrappings are still being found. Cookie crumbs are all that’s left of what was an overflowing plate just yesterday.   And the...
When the Tornado Touches Down

Nuclear Family Meltdown

I don’t do math. And I really don’t do science. In high school, geometry was the only math class I actually aced – the ONLY math class I ever aced. In college, in order to fill my course requirement, I opted for “Basics of Mathematics”...
When the Tornado Touches Down

Not in Vain

Sometimes as Christian parents of special-needs children, we often feel we are failing to teach our children about God because we may not see the results of that teaching immediately. Even after months of saying the same thing over and over, we may get discouraged...

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