by Sarah Broady | Aug 28, 2015 | Autism, Living Life Daily, Patience, Sarah Broady
Tensions have been mounting. Stress has been compounding. And the tears have been falling. Hard. Blame it on moving, transitioning and settling into a new home, a new church, a new school, and meeting new faces at every turn. Point to the three boys between ages 7-11...
by Sarah Broady | Dec 26, 2014 | Autism, Living Life Daily, Sarah Broady
The stockings have been ripped from their hooks and ravaged for their goodies. The presents have been pillaged and the remains of wrappings are still being found. Cookie crumbs are all that’s left of what was an overflowing plate just yesterday. And the...
by Sarah Broady | Jun 30, 2014 | Autism, Living Life Daily, Sarah Broady, Uncategorized
Sometimes as Christian parents of special-needs children, we often feel we are failing to teach our children about God because we may not see the results of that teaching immediately. Even after months of saying the same thing over and over, we may get discouraged...
by Sarah Broady | May 30, 2014 | Autism, Living Life Daily, Sarah Broady, Scripture
Living with a child with special needs often means also living with expenses that you didn’t plan for when you first began your family. A lot of services may be covered by insurance or through the state’s government program like Medicaid. But not all...