My Dear Friend Jaclynnette: A Tribute

My Dear Friend Jaclynnette: A Tribute

I don’t want to write this. And yet, I must. My heart cries out in longing for the friend I lost. I think to myself that writing about her will help the healing and grieving process. There’s something about expressing everything I feel by translating it...
My Dear Friend Jaclynnette: A Tribute

Something to Offer

Why are you here? No, I don’t mean for what purpose do you exist. What brought you to reading this post? This blog exists for the primary purpose of encouraging special-needs parents. Special-needs parents walk a very different path from that of others with more...
Praying Through the Storm of Autism

Praying Through the Storm of Autism

“Mom, the clouds are dark. I think there’s going to be a tornado.” “No, Sam. There’s no tornado.” “I think the sky is turning green,” he said, his pitch rising, and eyes frantically searching the sky for clues....
My Dear Friend Jaclynnette: A Tribute

Battle in the Basement

The morning had been going so well. It was a Sunday morning and we had to be at church early for rehearsal since I was on praise team. Everyone was getting ready to leave without much difficulty, except for my poor husband. The dog had been let out for a minute, but...

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