Christmas: Glory Revealed

Christmas: Glory Revealed

Such innocence. Such sweetness. What joy and beauty to behold in the face of the newborn baby as his parents cradled him in their shaking arms. The responsibility to raise and care for the Son of God must have weighed so heavily on their hearts that first Christmas...
Photo Envy

Photo Envy

I don’t know about you, but my Pinterest feed is currently filled with adorable fall family pictures and ideas for a photo shoot. October and November are great months to grab your camera (or a photographer), coordinate your entire family’s outfits, and...
Christmas: Glory Revealed

Planning Not to Plan

 When our whole family (including grandparents and uncles) went to Disney World in September a few years ago, I spent the entire summer planning for the trip and preparing Samuel the best I could. There were still lots of meltdowns and he had lots of sensory overload,...
Christmas: Glory Revealed

Take It To the Mattresses

Another school year looms around the corner. We just moved from one state to another when school was out in mid-June. School in the old state started the last week of August and ended in mid-June. School in the new state starts the first week of August and ends in...
Christmas: Glory Revealed

Something to Offer

Why are you here? No, I don’t mean for what purpose do you exist. What brought you to reading this post? This blog exists for the primary purpose of encouraging special-needs parents. Special-needs parents walk a very different path from that of others with more...

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