Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This

I began the day with resolve. I end the day with the same resolve, just a bit weary from being tested and tried. Earlier, I wrote, “Sam’s constant demands for attention, and tantrums and meltdowns and rigidity are in for a rude awakening, which means we...

Busy Bees

2012 has started off with a bang. Not exactly lots of excitement and fun and awesomeness, but more like the “BANG” you hear just before you take off running in the race of life. There have been some exciting developments in our lives, and fun and...

Joy in Suffering and Other Paradoxical Truths

Who among us has not been sympathetically given the old addages of – “God works all things for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”, and “God knew you were the right parent for your child”, and “God is...

I'm Right and Seeing is Believing

People like to be right. To win. I like to be right. I LOVE winning. This is especially important in an argument with my husband – or as some describe it, a discussion between two people which I am winning. Or, as our recent New Year’s Eve party at church...

Finding Another New Normal

The holidays are over. Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye, and its remnants remain in all the decorations I have yet to take down and store, and a small mess of toys kept under the tree. The kids are back in school and we’re slowly getting back into...

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