Preparing to Launch

Preparing to Launch

It’s 8:22pm on a Monday evening and I was resting my eyes on the couch (okay fine, I was taking a nap) as my husband practiced the piano. As he worked through various passages of a highly challenging piece, the sharp pangs of multiple flats pierced my heart. This...
Anchored Hope

Anchored Hope

The day of my second son’s birth was filled with uncertainty, fear, and tragedy. As I went into labor three weeks early with a breech baby who was too big to turn, an anesthesiologist stood by my bedside quietly explaining the C-section procedure, which was never a...
More Than I Can Handle

More Than I Can Handle

Sometimes, as an attempt to comfort your heart as you are struggling through a new diagnosis, or even years afterward, friends or family might offer consolation by saying something along the lines of, “God chose to give you a child with autism because He knew you were...

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