by Sarah Broady | Apr 22, 2023 | Autism, Hope, Perseverance
You don’t know what you don’t know. And you never know what to expect. I didn’t know what to expect. December 20, 2007 was the day of our appointment. I didn’t know for sure what was coming, but I had a pretty good idea. After hours of testing,...
by Sarah Broady | Jan 29, 2020 | Grief, Hope, Post Tenebrax Lux Series, worship
I began writing this series, Post Tenebras Lux, for the purpose of offering the only thing I have to give those who are weary, grieving, and hopeless, including myself: hope. In the midst of pain, fear, sorrow, disappointment and shattered dreams, there is only one...
by Sarah Broady | Dec 25, 2019 | Hope, Living Life Daily, Peace, Perseverance, Post Tenebrax Lux Series
The Christmas season is in full swing and I can’t pass up the opportunity to share some of my favorite Christmas songs as we near the end of our Post Tenebras Lux series on songs for the weary, grieving, and hopeless. This post is meant to tell the Christmas story...
by Sarah Broady | Oct 23, 2019 | Autism, Grace, Grief, Hope, Post Tenebrax Lux Series
The day of my second son’s birth was filled with uncertainty, fear, and tragedy. As I went into labor three weeks early with a breech baby who was too big to turn, an anesthesiologist stood by my bedside quietly explaining the C-section procedure, which was never a...
by Sarah Broady | Sep 25, 2019 | Grief, Hope, Perseverance, Post Tenebrax Lux Series
This series is named for a Latin term, post tenebras lux, which translates to “after darkness, light.” It is an evergreen hope, that light that comes after darkness. It is seen in nature: the moon reflects the hidden sun. We may say the sun’s...
by Sarah Broady | Aug 30, 2019 | Autism, Grief, Hope, Key Ministry, Post Tenebrax Lux Series
Post Tenebras, Lux Songs for the Weary, Grieving, and Hopeless Read full postOn Social Media I began a blog series on Post Tenebras, Lux, which means, “after darkness, light” upon inspiration after attending the Sing! Conference hosted by the...