The Special-Needs Scrim

The Special-Needs Scrim

The sanctuary was dark. The air was thick with grief, tension, and anticipation of what we all knew was coming next. But nothing prepared me for what my eyes were about to behold. I was watching our church’s Easter pageant from the middle of the large auditorium. We...

When God Provides

“He will not leave you alone.”This is true. We see over and over in Scripture how God provides for every aspect of His creation, from the number of hairs on our head to every sparrow that falls from the sky, to the lilies of the field. Friends, we serve a great and...
Sense, That Total Makes

Sense, That Total Makes

Today is THE day. The day that we have been waiting for since November 22, 2013 when the much anticipated movie “Frozen” debuted in theaters. We were visiting family for Thanksgiving and the boys’ grandparents took us all out to see it. (There seems...

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