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A Special Hope Podcast’s Posts

Great Expectations

You don't know what you don't know. And you never know what to expect.I didn't know what to expect. December 20, 2007 was the day of our appointment. I didn't know for sure what was coming, but I had a pretty good idea. After hours of testing, even re-testing to make...

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Preparing to Launch

It’s 8:22pm on a Monday evening and I was resting my eyes on the couch (okay fine, I was taking a nap) as my husband practiced the piano. As he worked through various passages of a highly challenging piece, the sharp pangs of multiple flats pierced my heart. This...

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Anchored Hope

Hopeless as we are through the flash-floods of despair and doubt, the cross at Calvary stands as a secure ballast, a beacon of hope to which we may cling. It is here at the cross where the love of our Christ is forever proven in the nail-pierced hands, side, and feet, where Christ entered within the veil into the true Holy of Holies not made of hands, but the heavenly temple itself (Hebrews 9:11-12). His own body and blood was the sacrifice of atonement, His status secured as our High Priest forever, and our access point to God Himself. This anchor that has entered within the veil into the true Holy of Holies can never be removed.

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When You Can’t Talk About the Hard Things

When You Can’t Talk About the Hard Things

Episode 11 When You Can't Talk About Hard ThingsAs a special needs parent, sometimes there are just some things we can't share. What if people don't understand? Some things are too private and would be embarrassing to our child if we talked about it. But it's still...

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When Your Child is Hurting: An Interview with Evana Sandusky

When Your Child is Hurting: An Interview with Evana Sandusky

Episode 9 When Your Child is Hurting: An Interview with Evana Sandusky Where is God when your child is hurting? How do we pray for them? How do we cope in the face of crisis and chronic illness? Evana Sandusky talks about her children's medical complexities, stories...

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Building Community with Cara Milne

Building Community with Cara Milne

Episode 8 Building Community with Cara MilneWhat does it feel like to truly belong? Cara Milne talks with Sarah Broady about her book, "Building Community: Practical Ways to Build Inclusive Communities for People Who are Vulnerable". We discuss Cara's story of...

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Sarah's Spot of Tea

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